Friday, April 22, 2005


Love u

... from a letter, i posted to Janice a long time ago

A religious person draws his/her strength from the conviction dat there is a super power (GOD) who is just and wise and who controls our destiny.
That applies to me also
Now all the great thinkers ……the wise men (?) may consider GOD is a myth…the opium of the masses…..
That is OK with me….. for I have seen GOD in action in my life…. I have seen my emails bounce…then I edit the mails and it goes through… I have seen times when I was dead broke…and I get an income tax refund… my wife has seen this happen…but she rationalizes,….. she tries to find logical explanations. .logic is the creation of the human mind…logic is a myth….
An invention can only be as good as the creator of the invention…

My image of GOD…. whom I refer to as Jesus…names, ..identification labels don’t matter…u may call Him Allah or Ram or Bhagwan…. He don’t give a damn…. I refer to him as a classic joker….He makes me see sense by joking with me…… when I get pompous… he lets the air off…. And I stand deflated… like a punctured balloon.or like when tnhe effects of the Blue Pill wear ioff…

Jesus (my image of GOD) has also experienced the human condition…He experienced the pain and suffering…we mortals undergo…He experienced betrayal…. 30 pieces of silver……
So brilliantly portrayed in the passion of Christ……
My image of Jesus is that He is merciful….and does not condemn sinners…He gives them a chance …again and again… to repent ….and to come back ….to the narrow path….. but He gives us the freedom of choice…..
God loves sinners ….. the human mind cannot accept dat….. he suppped wid tax collectors…he loved Mary Magdalene ,…the sex worker….. He says there is greater joy in heaven over one repentant sinner…..the lost sheep……who has returned to the flock…….the prodigal son……

Dat is a very comforting tot …no matter wat I do …wat I say…the gate is always open…. He never closes the door…. He hurts bcoz i have been wayward….but he waits patiently…he hopes dat one day I will see sense …and return back…..

But He wont force me2……

Jesus is very different fro the GOD of the Old Testament…the old Testament is an obsolete document….. the old Testament wanted us to be God –fearing….. Jesus says God is yr loving father….


I also joke wid Jesus ..He has a gr8 sense of humour…..He can laff at His church…. The Padres…the Bishops in their funny caps…trying to look pious…He even laffs at His Pope…….. when he preaches birth control by Russian roulette…

Hey, God …if I am rong….don’t strike me down wid lighting…. If im rong forgive me……

Love ya Jesus,
Saby (me an IIT graduate… ino more than u…u never even been to schools were just making furniture for 30 years…ur not even competent to be MR of an ISO 9001 company…)

Cc: Fr, Anil Rego….hope u don’t burn me as a heretic….like the Church did in the middle ages…..or lock me up in mad house… like we did to Galileo…


Anonymous said...

a group of women who live together in close quarters will, over time, witness the syncing of their menstrual periods with each other. It is also thought that artificial light may play a role in this as well. While some have speculated that their natural scents may be a source of this syncing, the truth of this natural, and beautifully intriguing feminine wonder is only a step into the spiritual nature of women...a step which is as beautiful as the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of their being, and yet unique as to be something only a journey in knowing them can provide.

Rex Venom said...

Hummm....What the above writer said...yes... But also, if you have a choice, pick the Mad House. Better Drugs!